Fresh Field "AAA" Romaine

The popularity of romaine lettuce is brought about by the success of Caesar salad.  

Said to have originated on the Aegean island of Cos, romaine lettuce has an elongated head, with deep green outer leaves and a fresh, slightly bitter center. Its higher nutrient content makes it an excellent substitute for iceberg lettuce.

Choosing Romaine

A good-quality Romaine lettuce should feature crisp looking, fairly firm heads and thick leaves. The leaves should be medium to dark-green in color blending to nearly white ribs or veins and golden yellow - white inner core or what we call, Hearts of Romaine. Even-shaped heads with broad but firm leaves are best.

For years, determined chefs go out of their way to find the best romaine.  Unfortunately most would settle for Australian romaine and sacrifice at least 3 days of freshness (estimate time of travel between Australian farm to the dinner table in the Philippines) just to have their ideal romaine.  

Fresh Field "AAA" Romaine: Straight from the Field

After 3 years of extensive research and development, Lettuce Entertain You Farm Corporation is happy to introduce the Fresh Field "AAA" Romaine.

The Fresh Field "AAA" Romaine is different from the romaine lettuce you can normally see in most supermarkets.  For one, its not the tobacco shape romaine.

At an average of  8" in length, the Fresh Field "AAA" Romaine possess a good and sizable romaine heart.  This is the most valuable part of romaine because of its superior texture, flavor and color. 

Also with Fresh Field "AAA" Romaine, we trim down as much bad romaine leaves as possible without bothering the romaine heart before we ship it out.

Straight from the farm, the Fresh Field "AAA" Romaine is now available in selected supermarkets.  However, if you are looking for washed romaine lettuce for your Caesar salad, we have the Fresh Field Classic Caesar.

The golden yellow - white part of the romaine is called the heart of romaine.  It is the part of romaine that makes romaine what it is today ... very popular (above).  Only the best romaine leaves and sweet golden yellow-white heart of romaine for a perfect Caesar salad. (below).


Health Notes

Romaine's vitamin C and beta-carotene content make it a heart-healthy green. Vitamin C and beta-carotene work together to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. When cholesterol becomes oxidized, it becomes sticky and starts to build up in the artery walls forming plaques. If these plaques become too large, they can block off blood flow or break, causing a clot that triggers a heart attack or stroke. The fiber in Romaine lettuce adds another plus in its column of heart-healthy effects. In the colon, fiber binds to bile salts and removes them from the body. This forces the body to make more bile, which is helpful because it must break down cholesterol to do so. This is just one way in which fiber is able to lower high cholesterol levels.

Equally beneficial to heart health is Romaine's folic acid content. This B vitamin is needed by the body to convert a damaging chemical called homocysteine into other, benign substances. If not converted, homocysteine can directly damage blood vessels, thus greatly increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition, romaine lettuce is a very good source of potassium, which has been shown in numerous studies to be useful in lowering high blood pressure, another risk factor for heart disease. With its folic acid, vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, and fiber content, romaine lettuce can significantly contribute to a heart-healthy diet.